On Nov. 30, 1994, the Achille Lauro cruise ship caught fire and sank; more videos of cruise ship fires

Shipping History reminds us that on this day in 1994, the MS Achille Lauro cruise ship caught fire and later sank near Somalia following an engine explosion. Below is a first-hand account of the incident filmed by one of the crew members onboard:
From YouTube: The MS Achille Lauro caught on fire and sank 125 miles off the coast of Somalia while I was working on board as a crew member. We were rescued by several ships and sailed a few days to Mombasa. I shot video until I ran out of battery. I shortened this video from it’s original to fit it on the internet.
A Royal Caribbean cruise ship bound for the Bahamas catches fire. CNN’s Erin McPike reports.
Dramatic pictures of a fire on board a cruise ship off the western coast of Norway. At least two of its crew members have been killed and 9 people were injured. Over two hundred passengers had to evacuate the ship after the blaze broke out in the engine room. Police suspect an explosion may have triggered the incident.RT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/RT_com
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The Oceanos sank in 1991. Everyone survived. Imagine the Titanic sinking with 1,500 people still on board.
From Youtube: Assistant Waiter Victor falls onto our table aboard Freedom of the Seas. On 10/09/2011 the ship Encouters hurricane force winds at 100 plus miles per hour, 20-30 foot seas and the cruise ship leans 33 degrees just hours after leaving Port Canaveral… This video is on deck 3 Leonardo Dining Room main seating….You can hear the dishes falling to the ground and see fear and panic on just about everyone… People were holding onto their children as the dishes, tables, chairs fall.
After the fire aboard the Freedo of the Seas In Jamaica, the captain of the cruise ship spoke to the cruise passengers over the closed television loop. He was forthcoming about the fire, in stark contrast to the misleading corporate press statements issued by Royal Caribbean to the media ashore. For more information, please go to http://www.cruiselawnews.com/2015/07/…