Itinerary with distinction: go Dutch!

Itinerary with distinction: go Dutch!
A Dutch treat! THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo

Dutch Island Dreaming

Curacao is unique in the Caribbean with a bridge that folds up to allow ships to enter the harbor.  Unlike any other island.  THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo
Curacao is unique in the Caribbean with a bridge that folds up to allow ships to enter the harbor. Unlike any other island. THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo

It’s rare to find a Southern Caribbean itinerary that doesn’t require sailing out of Puerto Rico. That distinction is only the beginning of what makes Navigator of the Seas new itineraries so different. Depart from Miami for a nine-night jaunt to islands loaded with the charm of Dutch influence. Oranjestad, Aruba, is packed with color, from adorable row houses to vibrant reefs. In Willemstad, Curacao, travel underground to see ancient petroglyphs along a mystical lake. And in Bonaire, you might spot a wild Flamingo – after all, this is one of only four places in the world where they breed.

See itinerary


A Dutch treat! THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo
A Dutch treat! THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo

The “ABC” island of the Dutch are Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao. The weather is great, the people are friendly, prices are reasonable, crime isn’t a problem except for young girls who go clubbing with killers at beachfront bars in Aruba. The body of Natalie Holloway has never been recovered.

The bridge begans to swing over the harbor to reconnect both sides of the harbor at Curacao.  THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo
The bridge begins to swing over the harbor to reconnect both sides of the harbor at Curacao. THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo
The fishing boats and inter-island freighters in port in Curacao provide plenty of backdrop for a great visit. THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo
The fishing boats and inter-island freighters in port in Curacao provide plenty of backdrop for a great visit. THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo

The island recently announced plans to build a $40 million cruise pier, the Tula Pier, to keep up with the increasing cruise traffic to the area. This will be the island’s second pier. The new Tula Pier will be located in the Otrabanda area, west of St. Anna Bay, and construction is slated to begin on November 1. MORE


Both tour vans and walking tours allow visitors to enjoy the unique Dutch architecture only found here other than in Holland.  THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo
Both tour vans and walking tours allow visitors to enjoy the unique Dutch architecture only found here other than in Holland. THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo

Established in the mid-1600s, Willemstad’s covey of structures recall the quaint designs of Amsterdam, with exquisite 17th and 18th-century Dutch colonial buildings not to be found anywhere else outside of the Netherlands.

In time, as Willemstad’s traditional styles were modified to accommodate the island’s dry and breezy climate, Caribbean accents such as verandas, porches, fretwork, and shutters were added. The color scheme was updated as well, introducing a bright, bold palette unheard of in the mother country.

Additional Dutch influences include:

  • Street Layout — Willemstad’s Otrobanda district is full of narrow alleys and wider main streets, reminiscent of 17th-century Dutch provincial towns.
  • Plaza — For centuries, plazas have had many functions — most notably they were used for dining, trading, festivals, and ceremonies. Today, several plazas are in use as open-air markets in Otrobanda.
  • Gabled Roofline — Steep-pitched tile roofs and neck gable ends are hallmarks of classic Dutch urban architecture. These elements sit beautifully in the restored 18th-century mansions of Scharloo and Pietermaai, and in the buildings along Schottegat Harbor.
Sparkling water views from almost everywhere and when your ship is your hotel,  you have it made. THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo
Sparkling water views from almost everywhere and when your ship is your hotel, you have it made. THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo
Great yachts mix in the harbor with cruise ships, freighters, and fishing vessels. THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo
The Holland-America Amsterdam is a great way to arrive at this Dutch island of Curacao. THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo
The Holland-America Amsterdam is a great way to arrive at this Dutch island of Curacao. THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo
Someone got drunk and left the color wheel on bright for a couple of years on this island. There is no where else like it in the  Caribbean.  THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo
Someone got drunk and left the color wheel on bright for a couple of years on this island. There is nowhere else like it in the Caribbean. THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo
Holland was once a seafaring super-power until a few centuries worth of war with England nearly wiped out the resources of both nations. The exploration of the Dutch led them to the Caribbean and the ABC islands still remain part of the Dutch overseas territories. Modern ships like this one take financial prisoners. THE PRIVATEER CLAUSE photo


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