Crime in Bahamas: knowledgeable cruise passengers know it’s best to stay on the ship

Political parties in the Bahamas argue over whether Carnival should issue crime warnings to its passengers (the same as U.S. & UK issue to it’s citizens)
The Democratic National Alliance’s (DNA) leader yesterday warned that downtown Nassau’s cruise tourism product would suffer “immeasurable” harm if Carnival Cruise Lines restarted issuing crime warnings to its passengers – an assertion that drew a sharp rebuke from the Minister of Tourism.
#Branville McCartney produced three e-mails purporting to show that Obie Wilchcombe and Joy Jibrilu, the director-general of tourism, had failed to respond to repeated warnings from the world’s largest cruise line for almost four weeks.
#Implying that Mr Wilchcombe and the Ministry of Tourism had ‘dropped the ball’ on a matter that could cost Bay Street merchants and restaurants multi-million dollar business, Mr McCartney said he understood the cruise line was set to start issuing Nassau ‘crime warnings’ this week.
#Mr Wilchcombe, though, angrily refuted Mr McCartney’s allegations, branding them as “totally untrue” and telling Tribune Business that Carnival had yesterday confirmed to him it was not intending to issue such Nassau ‘advisories’.
#But, undeterred, the DNA leader subsequently told this newspaper that the furore sparked by his probing had prompted Ms Jibrilu, too, to call Carnival on the matter – something he said was confirmed to him by the cruise line. ...MORE
Bahamian Buffoonery: Politicians debate whether to warn cruise tourists they might be raped and robbed

For those cruise passengers and travel agents in the know, it is common knowledge that there is an epidemic of crime in Nassau as the country heads to a record high number of murders. Many cruise passengers know that it is prudent to stay on the cruise ships when they arrive in Nassau.
The problem remains for those tourists who are swayed by the marketing images of Carnival and the Bahamas and who cruise their families into the Nassau-war-zone with no knowledge of the considerable danger there.
Carnival owes its customers honesty. The cruise line should disclose to their guests the dangers in Nassau. The local politicians are just a sideshow. Carnival owes its passengers the same warnings that the U.S. and the U.K. and the Canadian governments have provided to their citizens. Neither the PLP nor the DNA wants to truth to be known – that Nassau represents an unreasonable danger to tourists…..MORE
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